Holistic Health & Wellness Blog
DIY Multipurpose Antibacterial Spray
Home cleaning products can be a significant hidden source of toxicity and heavy metal accumulation in our daily lives. Some can contain loads of hormone disrupting chemicals derived from the petroleum industry and heavy metals such as Arsenic and Cadmium.Creating your own is cheap and highly effective. White distilled vinegar is an important ingredient to always stock at home, it has a long shelf life and is highly versatile.The acidic nature of vinegar (acetic acid) is so powerful it can dissolve mineral deposit, dirt, grease, and grime. It's also strong enough to kill bacteria and mold. Infusing the lemon and...
Candida Overgrowth & Gut Health
4 years ago when I returned back to Egypt after I healed myself from what "they" said was an incurable dis-ease... A family friend insisted that I meet with Egypt's most famous Gastroenterologist to show him my medical diagnosis before and after my healing journey...I went just out of curiosity, and when I was just beginning to share my story and was talking about Candida Overgrowth, he interrupted me and said "there is no such thing" ☺.I smiled politely, thanked him for his time and left.Here is a study discussing the now clinically proven relationship between Candida overgrowth in the gut...
Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory
One of the most important milestones in a healing journey is to become aware of how we think about healing and dis-ease.Attacking Candida, Parasites, Bacteria, H-Pylori...etc with Herbal Formulas without addressing heavy metals, mucoid plaque, a congested lymphatic system / Liver & Gallbladder... Adopting a nutritional program based on our current paradigm, restoring the microbiome with living fermented foods/kefir daily will not bring about the healing we seek.Transform our thinking into "How can I create the most optimal environment inside and outside our body, for our own innate intelligence / Vital Force to restore normal physiological balance which is the...
The Master Cleanse Protocol
This simple and powerful Master Cleanse protocol has for decades offered sufferers of various forms of dis-eases significant and observable healing of the body in a relatively short period of time… It does require resilience, discipline and the courage to take some time to switch off the noise of the world and be still for as long as your mind allows. Hunger for food will dissipate in 3 days, and surprisingly that is the easy phase of the protocol. The challenge is to overcome the hunger for the distractions that keeps your mind from diving deep within your own soul,...